4.1 – How To
Install, Inspect, Sharpen, Replace your BrushDestructor Blade and everything relating to brush cutting and Brush Cutter Blades.
4.2 – Questions & Answers
On this page you will find some of the most repeated questions that have been put to me and my replies to those questions. With may of those answer, to the same questions you may have.
Especially worth a read, is why does my nylon line keep breaking? as I have had a lot of thank you e-mails from people who have read these articles.
4.3 – Brush Cutter Knowledge
After a number of request for, what brush cutter do I recommend and coming to realising that there is a total lack of any real useful information about brush cutters on either the manufacturers or retailers web sites, I decided to produce these pages to provide this information. Even if you already own a brush cutter, I do recommend you look through these pages as you will probably learn a lot about them and their safe use. If you are looking at purchasing a new brush cutter, then looking through these pages is a must, so that you will not repeat some of the bad purchasing decisions that I have made.
4.4 – Action Videos
Showing BrushDestructor-Blades cutting all sorts of different material, ranging from long stringy grass to thick rain forest undergrowth.
See anything you like here, please share it with a friend.