6.1 – Refund Instructions
BrushDestructor Blades and Gloves comes with a one month MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. If you find that either of these products does not meet your expectations in any way, return within five weeks of the purchase date and your purchase payment will be refunded.
There are two conditions;
First; You must carry the return cost by Registered or Trackable mail and email the the tracking number to me and you PayPal payment or direct deposit will be reversed.
Second; A written explanation with the email, stating the reason why you found this blade unsuitable and if used what you found was wrong with it. If possible please also include what you think could be improved, to make these better products.
Your reply will in not be questioned in any way, it is only to allow us to continually strive to improve this product.
There is also a lifetime replacement warranty on the top and bottom hubs, if one of them should developed any fatigue cracks, send both top and bottom hubs back and you will be sent the latest hubs as replacements. It is important that I get to see any hubs or blades that show signs of fatigue or failure, to ascertain the problem and help make this a better stronger product.
Since first starting selling this blade online in 2011, this money back guarantee has applied and in all this time, not one person has taken up this offer and returned a blade. This is personally very satisfying to me, as I strive to provide the best product and service and hope that no one sees this as a challenge to do so going into the future.
6.2 – Legal Instructions
Disclaimer and Terms of Use
This blade has been designed to meet the safety requirements in line with AUSTRALIAN STANDARD – AS 3575-1995.
Operation of this device in accordance with all the instructions on this page is strongly recommended to achieve the Safest Working Environment.
Although this blade is specifically developed for Fire Hazard Reduction, this product Must Not be used on Total Fire Ban Days, hitting stones will create sparks which can cause fires.
Knowledge and various skills of operators differs greatly from one individual to the next; we cannot guarantee your outcomes, nor are we responsible for any of your actions and shall in no event be held liable to any party for any Direct, Indirect, Punitive, Special, Incidental or Other Consequential Damages arising Directly or Indirectly from use or misuse of this brush cutter blade.
This BrushDestructor blade, is provided “AS IS” and has Limited Warranties; all Warranties and Liabilities is limited to the Purchase Price of the blade.
6.3 – Fitting Instructions
If you are not familiar with fitting a metal blade to your brush cutter, please visit your brush cutter Instruction manual as removal of a string head and fitting of a metal blade do vary slightly for one brand to another.
Please visit this page for instructions on how to remove string head and fit a metal blade.
6.4 – Safe Operating Instructions
For your safety, people, livestock and property around you;
Always read the Owner’s Manual & safety Instructions provided with your brush cutter to familiarise yourself with all safety, operating and maintenance requirements required to operate that machine.
Always inspect the BrushDestructor-blade before each use and when refuelling, to ensure there is no damage to the flail-blades, that the nuts are all tight and the pivot bolts rotate freely.
Always stop the brush cutter as soon as any vibration is felt and perform a visual inspection to ascertain its cause. If one or more blades are chipped or damaged, replace flail-blades as a set (all three blades); One damaged flail-blade will cause the BrushDestructor to run out of balance, resulting in extreme vibration, wear and damage to your brush cutter.
Always replace a flail-blade that is bent, NEVER try to straighten a flail-blade; the strength of the metal will have been severely compromised. There is a possibility of a compromised flail-blade failing and becoming a high velocity projectile which can travel considerable distances and could result in serious threat to property and life.
Always ensure no other person or livestock are closer than 40m (130ft) from you whilst operating your brush cutter fitted with a BrushDestructor-blade.
Always wear safety boots, heavy pants and helmet with a face shield when operating a brush cutter fitted with BrushDestructor blade. It can pick up and throw stones & other objects with considerable force.
Always take extra care when using on smaller properties to ensure you direct debris from cutting away from windows, cars, people and building; as small stones and debris can easily be thrown out at high speed.
Always take care around trees of value, this blade is very aggressive and will easily eat away the bark severely damaging that tree.
Always take care around rocks, concrete edging and other building structures, as hitting these materials will cause wear to blades but will also result in damage to these structures. BrushDestructor blades are not edging tools; use the line trimming head supplied with your brush cutter for this for purpose.
Always operate brush cutter with care and respect; improper use could cause serious injuries.
Plus links to the following pages;
6.5 – Copyright.
6.6 – Earnings.
6.7 – Privacy.
6.8 – Terms & Conditions.
6.9 – Disclaimer.