1.6 – About This Web Site

Over the years I have had a lot of feedback about this web site, initially it was mostly criticism of why it was so different to the norm and now there is an increasing interest to copy this style.

In the past when I get negative feedback, I always follow through to find out why, so that I can improve the site. However, I found that all of the feedback and improvement recommendations came from those who also had web sites. They would always say that this is not how you should layout the web site, it should be the norm, like every other site as this is proven to work the best.

Yet lately I have been getting a lot of questions about this web site, from people who are new to web site building, who like the layout and style of this site and want to emulate it. 

I have no problems with anyone wanting to copy my style of web site layout, so for those that are interested.

This site uses;


Theme; Twenty Sixteen theme and the Christmas Gift child theme. It is then dumb it down, so that it gives the appearance of an endless plain paper.

plugins; I use the least number of plugins, to keep the site as simple and fast as possible. I use the Shareaholic plugin for sharing, the TinyMCE Advanced plugin for improve word control, The Backup Creator for automatic backing up the site, The WP Limit Login Attempts, to only one login attempt and then that IP address is locked out for a week including me. And I have two paid security and malware plugins which I will not name. For best security, do not use free plugins. Do the research and evaluate the best one or two each year and use those.

Having a trouble free web site is like location, location, location, with property. So think security, security, security and pay for the best. Sadly there are a lot of nasty people out there.

I also make the site as easy to read as possible, by using a simple font, with mostly black lettering on a white background.

I believe in the KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID philosophy, I hate flashy moving sites and I hate pop ups and unwanted advertising rammed down my throat, which is why I refuse to subject my readers to this on my site.

Unfortunately, not allowing this site to be part of the revenue stream, seriously down ranks this site. Which is why it can be on page one, on one day and then gets down ranked to page ten or more the next day, before slowing working back up to page one where it gets down ranked again.

Please be aware though, that if you decide follow this example, the same will happen to you.

I am very sorry, but I just do not have the time to answer all the question personally on how to set up a site in detail. The best tip, I can give you, is learn how to use YouTube to your best advantage.

There you will get all the information on how to do everything you will ever need to learn how to set up your site.